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Mary had a little Lamb...

Fresh Lamb

And now we do too! If you've joined our mailing list (which you should) you got an email earlier this week telling you all about our newest shop items! We now have FRESH USA Raised LAMB that we get in every other week. We've spent months looking for a fresh Lamb supplier and it was hard but we finally found one! These Lambs are raised in Texas and then sent to slaughter at our processor here in Summit, MS. This is the same USDA processor that breaks down our whole cow that we get from Honestly Beef (Collins, MS) and they do an excellent job. One of our main goals as a Butcher Shop is to provide our customers with the freshest meat possible and we believe we are doing just that. If you're a Lamb lover come try some and let us know what you think!

Spring is almost here and it's keeping us very busy at the shop. We've got a few exciting things happening soon such as adding ANOTHER Brown Bag Lunch Day in April! We will be announcing when this will start as soon as we get everything lined up and we are excited to keep growing.

Speaking of growing, we are now looking for more part-time help to grow our staff! If you know someone that is great with people, likes to work in a fast paced/fun environment send them into the shop to apply now. We will be attending several events to sell Jerky, Fudge, & T-Shirts in the upcoming months (Day in the Park) and we will need help for these busy days in and out of the shop. Must be 18+, have a flexible schedule, be willing to work weekends, & be a quick learner. Please apply in person.

As always, Thank you for all the support you have given us throughout this first year! We can't believe that in a couple of months we will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary of being open. We're planning a really fun day to celebrate with all of you so be on the lookout for more details COMING SOON.

- The Knight Butcher

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