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March 2015

Instagram - We ❤️ all of our new followers! Thank you guys for the overwhelming

The month of February seemed to fly by. We have been getting everything in order to open up the Butcher shop and right now we are just waiting to finalize the location. Hopefully, soon we will be able to announce it to the public.

We have stated from the beginning of this adventure that God is leading our way and that is no exception when it comes to our location. I can't tell you much right now but what I can tell you is that God brought it to us. It's that moment in life where you know what you are supposed to do and when you get that feeling, "This is RIGHT" which makes the worry and stress of a choice seem to fall away.

So many of you have offered to help us find a location and it just warms my heart each and every time. I know I've said it time and time again (I'll probably say it 3,000 more times as well) but thank you for all of your support. I'm a firm believer of thanking people, telling them when they do something that touches you, and always being grateful. We can't wait to lock in the location so we can get started with everything else. We are chomping at the bits to get our shop open but we know that it will all happen in perfect timing - in HIS timing. Again, we are so thankful and grateful for the grace and love God and all you have shown us through this process. It is a lot of work but the joy this is bringing us already lets me know that more great things are coming.

More to come...

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