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2015 Magnolia State Bank Chili Cook Off


Saturday we participated in the Laurel Main Street Chili Cook Off. As a new business to the area we set a goal for ourselves to get involved with Laurel Main Street. This organization is doing wonderful things to bring back life to Downtown Laurel and it is very important to any city to have a thriving Downtown. Much to our excitement after a meeting with Mrs. Judi Holifield Chad was asked to be a judge for this event and I was asked to be a volunteer. Count us IN. As an avid chili lover Chad was very excited to accept this honorable position and I was thrilled to be serving up some cold ones at the beer wagon for a few hours. We had been warned that the last few years the event had been cold and wet but thankfully this year the weather was much better than expected and the rain held off.

For this event we had some promotional shirts made up and the feedback on them was great! Thank you to Circle-A-Graphics in Laurel for the quick turn around time! We had quite a few of you ask where you could purchase one and once we get the shop open we will have them for sale in store! We are playing around with several different color ideas now, so be sure to go to our Facebook page and let us know what colors you like the most!


Before Chad had to head off and judge he spent time passing out flyers and meeting with the community to spread the word that The Knight Butcher is coming! The top question asked was, "Where are you going to be located?" and while we would LOVE to have an answer for you guys at this moment we can't confirm anything just yet. We hope to announce our location in the next two weeks so stay tuned!

It was a great day in Downtown Laurel and it was so good to meet those of you that stopped us to say hello. We are so thankful for your enthusiasm and support of our business - we can't wait to meet all of your expectations and more. Be sure to Like us on Facebook and join our Mailing list in order to keep up with all shop updates!

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